Customer And Employee Research In The Home Services Industry
What are customers saying about your services?
What are employees saying about your work environment?
In just the past 15 months, we have collected feedback from over
4,000 home services customers
400 home services employees
Two Key Takeaways:
1. Home services customers expect service that is faster and high-quality.
2. Home services employees expect training and tools for on-the-job success.
Two Diligence Insights Help You Meet And Exceed These Expectations.
Two Diligence Approach
1. We deploy technology to quickly connect with your customers and employees for feedback data on their real experience and engagement.
2. We convert the experience and engagement data into actionable recommendations that trades companies implement to optimize customer experience and employee engagement.
Your key people are your employees and customers. The quality of your employee and customer engagement determines how well you meet their expectations.
We focus on your Quality of People scores, such as customer net promoter scores and employee satisfaction levels, to determine areas of opportunity. Our research-lite approach and technology solutions help you quickly understand and optimize your Q of P scores.
Revenue growth is a key benefit of optimized Q of P scores.
- Revenue growth can double when employee and customer engagement is optimized
- Organizations with highly engaged employees reported a 3-year revenue growth rate 2.3 times greater than average. (Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends)
- Companies that are leaders of customer experience achieved more than double the revenue growth of “customer experience laggards”. (McKinsey & Company)
Are you acquiring home services companies?
Two Diligence assists within the buying process.
Valuation Analysis
Letter of Intent